Ready to go mobile?

Today is all about Mobile Marketing! First off, let’s talk about mobile phones. I am sure almost everyone in Singapore has a mobile phone, even my grandparents has one! Based on the research below, a whopping 4.88 million Singaporeans own a smartphone. And mind you, Singapore population is 5.704 million as of 2019, that’s about 85% Singaporeans.

I believe these statistics are pretty much good enough for you to start mobile marketing for your business.

Now here comes the main question:

Should every business incorporate mobile marketing?

My answer will definitely be YES!


Daily Time Spent Using Social Media Global

Access anywhere and anytime!

Well, I have my phone beside me right now, as you are probably reading this through your phone or even if you’re using your computer, your phone is probably right beside you. What am i trying to say there? The accessibility of phones will ensure that your ads/campaigns can be easily seen by the users! With mobile marketing, your ad can reach your target audience at work, at home or even at vacation!


C’mon, have you ever not shared any ads or some nice food with your friends after seeing it on your phone? Guilty as charged here. It’s basically like a chain reaction. Let me give you an example, the recent car crash in Tanjong Pagar. Users were just sharing the videos everywhere. I got the same video 3 times for different group of friends! RIP to them 😦 That’s how powerful and important the mobile users are. Mobile marketing gives your ad the opportunity to “go viral” with no extra effort or cost at all!

Cheap Cheap

I guess the many reasons why businesses use mobile marketing because it’s cost effective. The reason why mobile marketing ads are much less pricey than desktop or laptop ads is because of the size. As smartphone screens are smaller, the needed content is much smaller in size and cost. To that end, the cost of mobile advertising is much less when compared to something like radio or TV advertising. The amazing thing about mobile marketing is that you are able to adjust to your preferred target audience like age and location area! Cheap and flexible, win win!

Now, I have said a few amazing features of incorporating mobile marketing. What about the not so amazing features? Surely there are some.

Errors and bad content? Ohmymy

They say first impression is everything. Same goes for mobile marketing. All you need is ONE ad that gives viewer a bad impression and that’s it because that is the one that will matter the most. Do you also remember how I said at the top about how easily it is for ads to go viral via mobile marketing. These applies to both good and bad marketing contents. Be sure to have multiple people review it for errors and make sure there is no way that your ad will be received in a bad way.

Please respect consumer’s privacy

Privacy is a very big issue in this digital age. Informations are just so readily available anytime and anywhere. As a mobile marketer, one has to be careful when handling customer’s information. Doing things like spamming will only hurt your brand image and also get you into legal trouble.

IOS, Android and many more.

Compared to Apple devices with iOS, Smartphone screen view on mobile Android-based devises is entirely different. It is impossible for advertisers to plan successful promotions without a single standard.

Even with all these cons, I still believe it’s a fantastic idea for businesses to incorporate mobile marketing.

Let me know what you think, should all businesses jump onto the mobile marketing family?





FUN FACT: We will spend 420 million years on social media in 2021!!!!

More info here:


  1. Hi Reena! I think the pros outweigh the cons, considering how reliant people are on their mobile phones all things online these days. During the pandemic there was a surge in e-commerce sales (e.g, Amazon) So I think the cons can be sufficiently mitigated in the ways you have perfectly mentioned.

    That being said, do you think the future will see a complete extinction of traditional marketing like billboards and newspaper advertisements? Or do you think marketers should still pay attention to conventional marketing methods? Would love to hear your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Arishah! Thank you for your comment! Definitely not, billboards are here to stay definitely, maybe with some slight tweaks here and there. It could be a digitalized billboard perhaps? Not to mention, some cities have billboards all over the town area and it has become part of their identity or culture!


    1. Hello, thank you for your comment! Hmm, bad contents are usually associated with sensitive topics like race and religions. Bad content is something you see and it disgust you, steer you away from the product or business. A good content will be something that inspire and steer you towards the product/ business! Hope it helps!


  2. Hi Reena, awesome and engaging post on mobile marketing! Loved the way you emphasised the points haha! Do you think businesses can overcome the bad points of mobile marketing solely with the good points? Can’t wait to hear from you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, thank you for your comment! Hmmmm, definitely not. First impression is what happens, one bad point is all a company need to have a bad impression. Therefore, it’s important to always review and have everyone thoughts on the campaign before going ‘live’. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Reena! Great read! Social media and mobile marketing is definitely an important factor. As you have mentioned in our daily lives by 2021, we will spend 420 million years on social media. WOW!

    However, there are various websites and mobile marketing efforts from different companies be it MNCs or SMEs. Personally, each time I see a marketing campaign, I would close it immediately as it just affects and delays my purpose on that particular platform. Would like to hear your thoughts on how companies are able to distinguish themselves amongst the rest and ensure their viewers pay attention to their mobile marketing campaign?

    Hope to hear from you soon! =)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, thank you for your comment! I believe that each company has their own unique factor and they make use of that instead of catering to what their audience wants. Be unique and capture the right audience is to ensure that your company distinguish themselves amongst the rest. Cheers 🙂


  4. Hello Reena, interesting read!
    From your blog I’ve come to understand that not just mobile marketing but any form of product promotion/brand promotion always carries it’s own pros and cons and in this case the pros seem to outweigh the cons. If I’m running an SME per se, where and how would I get started when it comes to mobile marketing, is there a fixed guide or is it flexible? Looking forward to your next blog.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sainath, thank you for your comment, glad you enjoyed my blog. There is definitely no fixed guide to mobile marketing. I think the most important question you should ask before diving into mobile marketing is; what is your outcome? Don’t just blinding dive into it, know your target/objective and work towards it. Align your mobile marketing campaign with your business model and strategy to have a successful mobile marketing campaign! 🙂


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