
Digital campaigns and IMC; new ways of connecting with customers

Do you see Facebook ads as you scroll through your Instastory? Do you follow multiple brands on Instagram to see what they will release next? Guilty as charged here! haha All these advertisement and promoting of products combined together to create a digital marketing campaign. A digital marketing strategy is a company’s online marketing initiative…

loT and Big Data

Internet of Things (loT) What is loT and how does it work? IoT is described as a network for physical objects like AC to a digital clock. These objects are embedded with software, sensors and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. Let me…

Ready to go mobile?

Today is all about Mobile Marketing! First off, let’s talk about mobile phones. I am sure almost everyone in Singapore has a mobile phone, even my grandparents has one! Based on the research below, a whopping 4.88 million Singaporeans own a smartphone. And mind you, Singapore population is 5.704 million as of 2019, that’s about…

SEO: It’s not always sunshine and butterflies.

SE0 which is Search Engine Optimisation is the practice of using a non-pay search engine results to increase both the quality, quantity, and the exhibition of your website. SEO is said to help hit your target group, improve your ranking and boost your internet presence. I am sure everyone has heard about all these fancy…

How to 101: Digital marketing proposal and communicate with stakeholders.

Proposal? Communication? Jialat, those two words are the worst nightmare of many people, including mine 😦 I had my fair share of doing up proposals and communicating with my colleagues when I was working full-time in an event firm and IT WAS A DISASTER! Well, mainly because the company was pretty messed up but oh…

Understanding consumers and communities; Digital Business Model

Understanding consumers like you and me 🙂 We are all consumers. As a consumer myself, i spend quite an impressive amount of time on social media like Instagram and Facebook. Usually i would log in for 3-4 hours a day to just check on any news updates or stories that my mates would share. Perhaps…

Huh? What is Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing?

Web 2.0 applies to the Internet revolution. But is it really as good as it sounds? Internet? Yes we know that, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc? YES WE KNOW THAT! But what is Web 2.0. Well, Web 2.0 refers to those internet applications like Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and many others that seek to empower people and allow them to express themselves online…
